Tuesday, September 24, 2013

milyen volt magyarorszag?

ilyen. itt, ezeken a helyeken erzem otthon magam, nekem ezt jelenti magyarorszag.

Friday, September 20, 2013

milyen volt magyarorszag?

mivel bevallottan hadilabon allok azzal hogy mit is jelent nekem magyarorszag (a nepet? a tajat? a nyelvet? a kozeletet?), arra jutottam hogy apro kis szeleteiben fogom en magamenak erezni azt az otthonomat. az egyik ilyen kedvencem a kesztolci macskak. nagyon szeretem oket.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

mostanaban nagyon hianyzik

edward. nagyon konnyen belekepzeljuk az eletunkbe, megis miket mondana, miket kerdezni, mit terveznenk egyutt esatobbi. aki veszitett mar el ilyen kozeli baratot az tudja, milyen az o hangjat, jelenletet, szofordulatait, neveteset teljesen tisztan belekepzelni a jelenbe. olyan szivesen mutattam volna be nektek. ugy volt, hogy elobb-utobb eljon majd magyarorszagra amikor mi is ott vagyunk, es egyutt korozounk majd budapesten, illetve lazitunk a pinceben, baratok kozott. annyira sajnalom ez soha nem fog megtortenni. hat akkor viszont legalabb egy kicsit bemuatom ot nektek. ime egy bejegyzese a tumblr oldalarol, egy facebook beszelgetes copypaste-je, amit egy ellenszenves vadidegen kezdett vele. ilyen volt Edward.

Facebook Crazy Who Thinks I Need To Die:  Are You Happy?
Yours Truly:  About? May I ask who this is?
FCWTINTD:  Are you happy abowt yoru faggety black prez?
YT:  Um, yeah…  If I am to interpret your message above correctly, I am assuming that you are asking if I am happy that Mr. Obama won reelection to the Presidency.  And I would have to answer that yes, I am mostly happy about it.
Let me repeat the question I have for you:  Who are you?
FCWTINTD:  I am a Bruthar N Christ to a Solder you unfriended and blocked but-fucker!
YT:  Ahhh.  And you felt the need to message someone you don’t know and who, in your opinion, apparently has intercourse with an English conjunction about this?
FCWTINTD:  What the fuck does that meen? I didn feel the need!  Christ Compeled me!
YT:  Christ Compelled you?  I see.   Did he compel you in a Father-Merrin-from-The-Exorcist kinda way or in a Christ-speaking-to-Paul-on-the-road-to-Damascus kinda way?
FCWTINTD:  What da FUCK are you talking about fagot?!!!!!!!!!!!
YT:  I am just trying to get a clear indication as to why you felt the need to message me, someone you don’t know, about my emotional state about an election  that millions of other Americans participated in.  I am also curious as to find out what a ‘Bruthar N Christ’ is.
FCWTINTD:  You know what that is fuckr!  You know what Im talking about!  You know!  FAGGGGOT!  COKSUKER!
YT:  I have an idea, but I am really trying to get you to tell me.
YT:  Have you thought about a career in Conservative Punditry?  I think Ann Coulter needs a script/ghost writer.  Or maybe Rush Limbaugh would like to have you as his new assistant.  Those are just suggestions, I am sure that your grasp of the English language, social issues and Christianity can land you a position at Liberty University or perhaps you could through in some racial epithets and get a job as the Student Political Activities Coordinator for Ole Miss.
YT:  Ok, I am getting the feeling that you are a little wound up.  I am not sure what a ‘fukkin maslum’ is and I am have never claimed to be and am certainly not old enough to have been a haberdasher to Jesus Christ.  Just so you know.
YT: Have you thought about seeing a Doctor for nervous exhaustion?  I get the feeling that perhaps you are a little on edge.
YT:  Were is that?  Walmart? 7-11?  And you should rejoice, the Evangelical Christian President of the United States passed The Affordable Health Care Act, so you will be able to purchase health care and still afford, what I am assuming is, your probably large Thunderbird/Busch Beer/Monarch Whiskey habit.  Congratulations to you!
Further Attempts to message FCWTINTD concerning his mental state were fruitless. He apparently blocked Yours Truly without divulging who his fellow Bruthar/Solder N Christ is that we know in common.
That Mystery will haunt me…
And I am so very, very sad about that.
Yours Truly is hoping that this will conclude the Random Assault of Crazy for a while.  After all, these things come in groups of three, right?  Or maybe, I should be hoping that they continue.  This does provide a seemingly endless amount of entertainment.  I am just not sure if I know enough Nut Bags to provide a robust enough stream of these conversations.
Oh hell, what I am saying.  I think they are attracted to me, like drunks to questionably clean taco trucks.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

"milyen volt magyarorszag?"

- szoktam hallani ezt a kerdest. igazabol nem is ertem. mit jelent az hogy milyen volt magyarorszag? milyen volt az utam, az elmenyeim? vagy milyen helyzetben van az orszag szeritem? vagy hogy van a csaladom, a barataim? vagy az utca emberenek a dolgairol mi a velemeyem? politika, kozelet, eletminoseg? megis mit kerdezel tolem?

a masik problemam ezzel a kerdessel az hogy valami egyszeru es pozitiv valaszt varnak tolem altalaban. "jo volt, orulok hogy ott voltam". ez mondjuk meg igaz is, csak kozel sem az egesz valasz. mert rossz is volt, meg mert a vege fele volt mar egy csomo elmenyem, amit legszivesebben azonnal el is felejtettem volna.

tegnap veletlenul bejott a boltba ket magyar ismerosom a gyermekukkel. a beszelgetes amit veluk folytattam, vagyis inkabb az egyikojukkel, Dvel azt hiszem elegge jol illusztralja, mi volt az egyik, legszomorubb es bosszantobb tapasztalatom otthon.

szoval D es a parja betevedt a boltba veletlenul es megkerdezte tolem, hogy vagyok. amikor az ember hirtelen kell hogy megszolaljon a masik nyelven, sokkal nehezebb jol fogalmazni, erdekes, hosszu mondatokat mondani. ilyenkor mindig az az erzesem, hogy bena magyart beszelek. valoszinuleg oka ennek az is hogy nem keszultem ra, kozvetlen elotte es utana, egesz nap, egesz heten angolul beszelek, gondolkodok. zavaros es nehezkes ilyenkor szepen es okosan beszelni, nem hogy atgondoltan valaszolni.